Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Prop 1C Funding Available for Brownfield Cleanups

We received the following announcement from our friends at SCS Engineers. If you're not aware, California Prop 1C, the recently passed housing initiative, contains a provision that makes funding available for brownfield remediation for infill development.

The California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA), a department of the State Treasury, has awarded two contracts for administration of its Statewide Strategic Partner program for Prop 1C funds for brownfield infill developments in California. One of the teams awarded a two-year contract is made up of the National Brownfield Association's California Chapter and SCS Engineers, an international environmental consultancy with offices nationwide. This important program will make approximately $55 million available to developers and communities trying to overcome the obstacles of Brownfields in their communities by accessing low interest loans and grants to pay for cleanup of contaminated properties slated for redevelopment. The loans and grants are in the amount of $50,000 to $5,000,000 and are targeted for housing, infill development brownfield projects in California’s economically distressed regions (defined by regulations). Affordable housing developers and infill high density urban developers with challenging contaminated properties should be aware of this program and the benefits it can bring to their brownfield or contaminated site projects. A press release on this important program is forthcoming.

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