Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Housing Hero Awards 2009

Thank you to everyone who came out for the 7th Annual Housing Hero Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, September 23. We had a great turnout to honor this year's housing heroes: Vice President Christina Olague, President Ron Miguel, and the 2009 SF Planning Commission.  

SFHAC recognizes exceptional individuals with the Housing Hero Award for their commitment to creating, advocating, and promoting housing solutions for ALL San Franciscans. We acknowledge and celebrate their contributions towards helping solve our City's housing crisis. This remarkable group exemplifies the mission and goals. 

1 comment:

Spencer said...

In an open letter to the San Francisco Planning Commission, Jim Meko writes,

“It’s unfortunate that there has been so much sniping over the Western SoMa Community Plan of late. Terrible mischaracterizations,
oversimplifications and outright lies are being spread and bits and pieces of this whispering campaign are beginning to filter into several Commissioners’ remarks. In a throwback to the bad old days, HAC (the Housing Action Coalition) and SPUR (San Francisco Planning and Urban Research) have had the audacity to claim veto power over an open public process. They are the source of the whispering campaign.”

Is this true?

To read more
